Proactive, Specialized, Tax-Focused Income Planning & Investment Advice

Our Carefully Crafted "2-Step" Process & Flat-Fee Engagement Model ensures that we can Provide Specialized Tax-Focused Advice, at a Fair Price, to the Families that are the Best Fit!

*Note: BEST FIT is often for folks 60+, and our model DOES NOT charge a fee based on account size, and DOES NOT require clients to move money!

We serve local families and select clients across the country
so they can Reduce Taxes, Invest Fearlessly, and Retire Well.

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What We Do

Retirement Income, Social Security & Pension Planning

Insurance & Annuity Expertise

Low-Cost, Efficient Investment Analysis & Management

Proactive, Specialized Tax-Aware Advice

Coordination with your other Important Professionals

How We Do It Differently from Everyone Else

Specialized Advice

You deserve specialized, proactive, thoughtful, tax-aware advice.
You worked HARD to get to retirement, and what you built means the world to you and your family. You deserve an engaging relationship that guides you and helps you create your plan and adjust along the way.  Our clients are great people, and they get all of that in a tailored and clearly-built relationship structure.

At a Fair Price

The price you pay for advice should NOT be open-ended or based on the size of your accounts.  
The size of your accounts by itself DOES NOT dictate the work required to advise you. You deserve a fair price.  To solve this, we created a model much different from the industry standard. We offer 3 engagement options, allowing clients to find the right fit for the relationship, expertise, and guidance they desire. Our unique model positions our clients to keep more of what the market gives them year after year.

Without the Sales Pressure that is All-Too-Common in the Industry

You also deserve not to be hassled or pressured.  
We despise sales pressure, especially the sales pressure that is all-too-prevalent in the industry and embedded into industry standard advisory structures.  So, to bring something valuable and different to the world, we built our model so that there is no place for pressure.  No haggling to move accounts unnecessarily.  No pressure to implement or buy over-hyped investment or insurance.  Just a proven process and relationship structure built to guide you to make excellent decisions.

Why We Do Things


Investments are not the only thing that matters when it comes to your retirement.

Dependable income, security, understanding taxes, navigating Medicare, Social Security, fair pricing, transparency, communication.

These are the things that folks ask us about.

Specialized advice in these areas allows you to focus on what really matters: Your health. Your family. The things you care about.

Your decisions about financial matters SHOULD be made with the big picture in mind (i.e.: every move has a tax implication) and they SHOULD NOT be made under sales pressure. (an all-too-common trait in the financial service industry).

That's why we built our business differently. To share our expertise with clients, in a clear and respectful relationship, with 3 different ways to engage.

Our work includes offering guidance and advice regarding investment and income decisions, lowering investment fees, sharing expertise around insurance and annuities, being transparent and fair with what you pay us, and proactively working to lower what you pay in taxes through your retirement years and beyond.

We enjoy serving wonderful families and great people. We love doing what we do, and value the relationships we've built. Our work directly makes a difference in people's lives, and THAT is really what matters!

Who We Serve Best

Folks 60+
Who appreciate Specialized Planning & Advice
Who have diligently saved anywhere from $500,000 to $5,000,000
Who don't want an advisor to charge based on the size of their accounts,
or to require them to move money unnecessarily.
They don't want to miss important items that can cost them or their family
They would appreciate a Clear, Valuable, Structured Relationship (not Sales Pressure)
A Relationship and Process built to give PROACTIVE advice,
Guiding them to keep more money in their pocket,
Keeping more of what the market gives them, not just lining the pocket of their advisor.

> Click to See for Yourself <
Case Study Examples

Our Investment Philosophy

Our investment philosophy is built upon creating dependability and efficiency.
We use low-cost index funds designed to match the returns from stock and bond markets,
with Principal Protection, Income Guarantees, and Dependability built in where you want it.

The Leader

Bryan McCloskey, MS, CASL®

Investment Advisor, Retirement Advisor
National Social Security Certificate Holder

For over a decade, Bryan has helped hundreds of families make informed decisions, avoid costly mistakes, lower their taxes, increase their estate size, and find money falling through the cracks in their planning so they could re-direct those dollars to things they care about.

Bryan has his Master’s degree, along with advanced designations within the financial planning field, and is a perpetual student, continuing to learn and grow as the world changes so he can always give more to the clients he is honored to serve.  

Bryan lives in Downingtown with his lovely wife, Annemarie and their beautiful daughter, Madelyn.

The Team

Tom Suvansri, MBA

Investment Advisor Representative
Life Insurance Specialist

Julia Braum

Client Service Advocate

3 Individualized Ways you can Engage

We are DIFFERENT because we DON'T charge clients based on the size of their accounts.
More transparently, we charge a FLAT-FEE for Advice,
and also offer Account-Only relationships for insurance and annuity accounts.
ALL CLIENTS get access to cutting-edge retirement & tax software.
You can leverage our expertise in one of 3 ways - described here.
Our Carefully Crafted "2-Step" Process is described below that.

Bundled Ongoing
Retirement Planning & Investment Management

Folks who value advice, who want comprehensive, proactive, ongoing guidance, and for whom a $6,000 Flat Advisory Fee makes a LOT of sense. (i.e.: saves them a LOT of money annually)

Flat Fee of $6,000/year,
payable from your accounts
(note: our Fair Flat-Fee is NOT based on the size of your accounts!)

Planning, Expertise, and Advice, along with on-going Implementation and Reviews on all of the areas below.

Planning Packages

Investors without advisors who now realize they are missing costly facts...
 Folks with advisors who are not getting the planning they could benefit from.  

Retirement Planning Package
$6,000 one time.
($1,000 down, balance paid upon completion)

3 month engagement. Series of 6+ meetings. You get analysis,
strategy description, action items and all deliverables.

Implement on your own, and engage in hourly paid advice at any time after the conclusion of our planning package.

1-Meeting Solution Packages
(Per Hour Pricing)

Topic specific. You get answers. Analysis, strategy description, action items and all deliverables.

Account Focused Relationship

Folks who only want and benefit from specialized annuity or life insurance expertise.

Benefit from our expertise on Annuity & Life Insurance Contracts

Account focused engagement. Analyze and evaluate what you have in place.
Determine, without pressure, if your existing accounts will do what you expect, or whether new accounts or adjustments would benefit you.

  • Annuities for Income
  • Annuities for Growth
  • Principal Protection
  • Guarantees
  • Tax Optimization
  • Current Account Analysis

Planning Packages Include
  • Retirement Income / Withdrawal Strategy Planning
  • Social Security Strategies
  • Cash Flow Analysis
  • Tax Optimization Strategies
  • Planning for Medicare and Healthcare Costs
  • Institutional Grade Investment Analysis
  • Risk Profile Assessment
  • Low-Cost Investments
  • Tax Efficient Investments
  • "What If" Scenarios
  • Net Worth Statement
  • Insurance Needs Analysis
  • Portfolio Rebalancing
  • Proactive Tax Planning
  • Tax-Optimized Portfolios
  • Tax-Loss Harvesting
  • Charitable Giving Strategies
  • Wealth Transfer Strategies
  • Estate Planning
  • Beneficiary Review
  • Life Insurance Review
  • Gifting Strategies
  • Transparent Fees
  • Access to Powerful, Interactive Retirement & Tax Planning Software
  • ...and More!

Our Carefully Crafted "2-Step" Process
-What You Can Expect-

Excellent Advice, at a Fair Price, without the Sales Pressure that is ALL-TOO-COMMON in the Industry.

We can't truly determine if we're a fit unless we talk. But before we talk, take a look at our process so you can see that it is built to help you confidently decide if working with us is the right decision for you.

Before We Do Anything: 
15-min Introductory Phone Call

Before committing your time or ours, this 15-minute phone call will give us both a chance to make sure your situation matches our expertise.

(After all, you wouldn’t see a foot doctor if you needed heart surgery!)

If we determine that we should continue the conversation, we'll schedule a time for our 'Talk' Meeting.

If we determine that we wouldn’t be a good fit for each other, we will gladly recommend you look at a firm who is better suited to your needs.

'Talk' Meeting (in-office or virtual)

The goal of this meeting is to get perfectly clear on what you are looking to accomplish, what concerns or fears you have, and to understand your unique financial situation. Everybody is different. Everybody has their own path, there are no cookie cutter prescriptions. Plus, we want to be sure our expertise would bring value to your situation.

This part of our process is called "Discovery".

By the end of this meeting, we want to be clear about whether meeting again would benefit you or not.

If so, we'll move forward in our process.

If not, we graciously respect each other's time and say "Thank You" for the time we invested up to this point, and gladly recommend you look at a firm who is better suited to fit your needs.

"Steps 1 and 2" (in-office or virtual)

During these meetings (definitely one meeting, two if needed) we will explain, in plain English, exactly what we see that you are either missing or could improve upon. The intent is to confirm your goals and help you identify overlooked costs and/or mistakes you may be walking toward without proactive guidance.
This is also where you will see 1) how our firm can help you, 2) exactly the services that will be provided, and 3) the fees or charges to do business together., so that you can determine if we would be the right fit for you.  

This is also where you will see 1) how our firm can help you, 2) exactly the services that will be provided, and 3) the fees or charges to do business together.

Essentially, the type of information that will help you make an educated decision about the advisor you choose to work with.

If, by the end of this step you feel we would be the right fit for you, we'll ask you to "Give it a Day" to sleep on it, and we'll schedule a brief call a few days out to confirm.

Our “Give It A Day” Approach

Having been in business for over a decade, and not appreciating when pressure is put on folks to make a decision of any sort (let alone a decision about such an important relationship like ours), we are in no rush for you to make a decision.

Prior to deciding whether we should work together, you will want to answer the following questions for yourself:
     Do I like, trust, and respect the team at Revisionist Wealth?
     Will the benefits provided to me exceed the cost?
     Do I understand and agree with Revisionist Wealth's philosophy?
     Do Revisionist Wealth's recommendations make sense to me?

And keep in mind, while we would love to work with you, if you decide that it’s not a good fit, we will wish you all the best and every success.

In other words, there is never a hard-sell or pressure to say yes.

Once you are ready to go...Let's Engage!
(in-office or virtual)

Once we know the path that fits best for you to engage with us, we'll get to work and implement it for you and with you.

This is where we have the most fun and most impact, and it's also where the most important work gets accomplished.

We'll work with you and keep you informed each and every step of the way. We truly appreciate and respect each and every one of our clients, and we are honored to partner with them to do such important work for them, work that impacts them and the things they care about!

Wondering what this would look like for you?
For your situation?

Our complimentary "2-Step" Process shows you how to reduce taxes and improve your retirement success.
This process will also help you evaluate our services and make an informed decision about working together.

“I wanted this business to benefit the good people I work with, not Wall Street or Big Financial Companies.
That's why I built it the way I did!”

Bryan McCloskey, Owner, Lead Advisor at Revisionist Wealth

“Retirement can be complicated. So nothing brings me more joy than making things easier for a client, and making our interactions enjoyable.”

Julia Braum, Client service Advocate

“The certainty and dependability we bring to folks is incredibly rewarding.”

Tom Suvansri, Life Insurance Specialist




How is Revisionist Wealth different from other advisory firms?

With our extensive knowledge and experience in Retirement Focused Planning and Advice, along with our earned expertise with Life Insurance and Annuity type accounts, we are different because we specialize and don't take everyone on as a client. We have to see that we'll make a difference in the lives of the clients we work with.

We are an independent company, not beholden to the fees and processes that other Industry Broker-Dealers force on their clients. Our compensation (read "Fee") structure is different as well, set up so that the size of your account DOES NOT dictate the advisory fee you pay.  (We have recorded our thoughts about the "industry standard 1% advisory fee" in some videos on our YouTube channel.)

We created a Comprehensive Flat Fee Model for Advice and Investment Management, and also created two other paths you can engage us on (Account Only or Plan Only) if that's what you want or is best for your unique situation. (See the "3 Individualized Ways you can Engage" section above for more details on all 3 options)

Can Revisionist Wealth help younger clients (ie: those younger than 60yo)?

Although our Team Leader, Bry the Retirement Guy, specializes in helping folks approaching and currently in retirement, one of our Team Members, Tom Suvansri, specializes in working with clients who are still in the early to mid years of Accumulating Wealth for retirement. So we can guide younger clients on a case-by-case basis.

How would I know which way I should engage or work with Revisionist Wealth?

Our Introductory Call and First Meeting are the parts of our process where we help you determine if we can help you, how we can help you, and which path to engage would work best for you. Plus, with our "Give it a Day" approach, you're not pressured into making a decision before you know it is the right path for you.

What is your investment philosophy?

For market based investments, we believe and focus on the proven use of low-cost index funds designed to match the returns from stock and bond markets. In our opinion, the primary goal of market-based investing should be to harness the power of financial markets – not try to outguess them. Much of the investment industry tries to sell stock-picking and market-timing (i.e. active management) to justify their fees, yet, over 70 years of peer-reviewed, empirical research shows that investors chasing individual stocks almost never achieve positive long-term portfolio performance.

Instead of this common industry approach, we utilize an evidence-based approach that focuses on diversification, discipline, minimizing costs, and reducing taxes. This minimizes risk and allows investors to capture their share of the returns the market generates.  Most importantly, structuring a portfolio in this way gives clients the best chance at reaching their financial goals.

In addition, we also believe in the role insurance type accounts play for Productive Principal Protection, Dependable Income, and Tax purposes. So we guide clients to implement and build those in where they want them.

Do I have to live locally to work with Revisionist Wealth?


Although our primary market is in the Philadelphia Metro Area, and our office is in Downingtown, PA, we harness technology to work remotely with clients who live further away, and with select clients across the country.

How do I get started with Revisionist Wealth?

The first step is for us to have a brief, free 15-minute Introductory Call to determine if our expertise matches your needs and what you are looking for.  (See Our Process/What You Can Expect section above). You can look for a time to schedule your call here.  

If you’re not yet ready to get started but have a question, just send us an email, and ask what's on your mind. Email us at: info@revisionistwealth.com

Do You Offer Tax Filing Services?

We offer Proactive Tax Strategy for clients, since just about every retirement and investing move has a tax consequence or consideration. (This is most noticeable in Retirement!)

We are not CPA's, nor do we file taxes for clients, yet we have specialized tax knowledge around the areas that most impact retirees and near-retirees. We analyze and review client taxes, and build tax sensitive strategies into all of our work with clients. We work with and communicate with our client's Tax Professionals whenever necessary to keep all of our client's Team Members on the same page.

Do you offer advice on Social Security and other important Retirement Topics?


This is our specialty, our "wheelhouse" as they say.

Many of the decisions you make around Social Security income, Medicare, pensions, retirement accounts, insurances, taxes and more make a major impact in the success of your retirement plan. We have the expertise to help in all of those areas, and refer out for specific implementation when necessary.

What are your fees?

The fees for our Bundled, Retirement Planning & Investment Management path are NOT based on a percentage of your investment assets. All clients pay us the same low-cost and transparent Flat Fee of $6,000/yr (charged quarterly) payable from their accounts. With this package, you get full-service investment management and advice regardless of the size of your investment portfolio.

We also have an Account Only relationship, where there are no fees assessed for setting up and helping you manage any Insurance and Annuity accounts. Compensation to Revisionist Wealth comes from the account custodian in the form of commissions in these cases.

We also have a Retirement Planning Only Package, which includes a Comprehensive Analysis and Plan without ongoing Investment Management.  This is offered for $6,000/total.  1/3 down, balance paid upon completion.

(See the "3 Individualized Ways you can Engage" section above for more details on all 3 options)

How can you charge such low fees?

We think our fees are fair.

The real question is not why our fees are so low, but rather, why are the majority of other investment advisers charging three to four times our fees? Why are they assuming your situation is complex simply because of the size of your accounts?  What are they doing for those high fees?

A typical investment adviser would charge you fees of approximately 1% or more of the value of your investment assets annually. Those fees can easily add-up to tens, if not, hundreds of thousands of dollars of fees paid to an advisor. With fees that high, investment advisers need to achieve higher returns (meaning more risk) to make up for their high fees to simply match the performance of the stock and bond market returns net of their fees.

Thanks to our philosophy and our unique approach, we are able to keep more of our clients' hard-earned money, in the pockets of our clients! (This is worth watching. We have recorded our thoughts about the "industry standard 1% advisory fee" in some videos on our YouTube channel.)

Where will my accounts be held?

We use Betterment Securities as the custodian for our client’s market-based assets. Betterment administers more than $33 Billion in assets. As custodian, Betterment Securities holds your funds and provides reporting to you and the IRS. Your accounts can be viewed at any time at https://www.betterment.com/.  

Any fixed or insurance-based accounts are held at each insurer, respectively, and each insurer has its own client portal and handles the appropriate reporting for those accounts.

Will I have online access to my accounts?


Each and every account will be accessible to you through the secure online portal provided by the custodian where it is housed.

All clients also receive access to powerful Planning Software to view your plan and variables, and have the ability to connect your account values there, in real time, for planning and review purposes.

Contact Us


107 E. Lancaster Ave., Suite 102
Downingtown, PA 19335
       in the Work2Gether office space

